Route map image


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It will acquire the route map held by Ekispert.

GET /v1/{format}/railmap/data


Name Type Description
format string Specification of the response data format. Required.
Possible values:
- xml: xml format data
- png: png format data
- bmp: bmp format data
- jpg: jpg format data
key string Your access key. Required.
id string Route map ID. Required
x int Route map X coordinate. Assigns route map X coordinate as starting point from route map. Required.
y int Route map Y coordinate. Assigns route map Y coordinate as starting point from route map. Required.
width int Assign width. Assigns width from horizontal axis starting point X. Assignable values 1-500. Required
height int Assign width. Assigns width from vertical axis starting point Y. Assignable values 1-500. Required


Name Description
ResultSet Root element of response
ResultSet / apiVersion Web API version
ResultSet / engineVersion Engine version
ResultSet / RailMap Component showing route map
ResultSet / RailMap / height Route map height and width
ResultSet / RailMap / id Route map ID
ResultSet / RailMap / width Route map width
ResultSet / RailMap / x Route map X coordinate
ResultSet / RailMap / y Route map X coordinate
ResultSet / RailMap / ImageData Component showing image (Base64)
ResultSet / RailMap / ImageData / format Image format


GET /v1/xml/railmap/data?key=your_access_key_here&id=tokyo&x=3000&y=600&width=500&height=500
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResultSet apiVersion="" engineVersion="201110_02a">
  <RailMap id="tokyo" x="3000" y="600" width="500" height="500">
    <ImageData format="png">...</ImageData>
GET /v1/json/railmap/data?key=your_access_key_here&id=tokyo&x=3000&y=600&width=500&height=500
  "ResultSet": {
    "apiVersion": "",
    "engineVersion": "201110_02a",
    "RailMap": {
      "id": "tokyo",
      "x": "3000",
      "y": "600",
      "width": "500",
      "height": "500",
      "ImageData": {
        "text": "...",
        "format": "png"
GET /v1/png/railmap/data?key=your_access_key_here&id=tokyo&x=3000&y=600&width=500&height=500

GET /v1/bmp/railmap/data?key=your_access_key_here&id=tokyo&x=3000&y=600&width=500&height=500

GET /v1/jpg/railmap/data?key=your_access_key_here&id=tokyo&x=3000&y=600&width=500&height=500
