Simplified station information


This page has not been fully translated into English yet. It is possible that some parts of description may contains old information. Please see Japanese Documents if you need the latest and accurate information.


Since this API mainly assumes the decision of the candidate station, it will return only the minimum necessary data. In addition, the maximum number of cases that can be acquired at one time is thirty. When using candidate station (incremental search), etc, please set access frequency up to 2 times / 1 second as a general frame of reference.

GET /v1/{format}/station/light


Name Type Description
format string Specifying the data format of responses. Required.
Available Values:
xml: xml format data
- json: json format data
key string Your access key. Required.
name string Potential character string. Exclude code. As it is omittable, when no code exists, this is handled by name.
nameMatchType string nameのマッチング方式の指定。nameパラメータ指定時のみ有効。省略可。
- forward : 前方一致
- partial : 部分一致
Default: forward

※部分一致の場合、名称の末尾に付く括弧内やスラッシュ以降の補足情報はマッチング対象外となります。(例: 「中野(東京都)」の(東京都)部分、「浦安駅/東京ベイシティバス」の/東京ベイシティバス部分)
code int station code. Exclude name.
type string Station's transport type. multiple specifications acceptable. Omittable. Unassigned by default.
prefectureCode string prefecture code. Invalid when using code. multiple specifications acceptable. Omittable. Nationwide by default.
corporationBind string Fixed corporation name. Only uses assigned corporation. multiple specifications acceptable. You can pass in a maximum of 50 values. Omittable. Unrestricted regular acquisition by default.
communityBus string 取得結果の路線バスに対するコミュニティバスの扱いを指定します。type未指定時またはtypeにbusおよびbus.local指定時のみ有効。code, corporationBind 利用時には無効。省略可。
- contain:除外しない
- except:除外する
Default: contain


Name Description
ResultSet / apiVersion Web API version
ResultSet / engineVersion Engine version
ResultSet / Point Component showing site
ResultSet / Point / Prefecture / code prefecture code
ResultSet / Point / Prefecture / Name Prefecture name
ResultSet / Point / Station / code station code
ResultSet / Point / Station / Name station name
ResultSet / Point / Station / Type transport type
ResultSet / Point / Station / Type / detail transport type details. When multiple, : cutoff.
ResultSet / Point / Station / Yomi Reading


GET /v1/xml/station/light?key=your_access_key_here&name=東京
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResultSet apiVersion="" engineVersion="201404_01a">
    <Prefecture code="13">
    <Station code="22828">
    <Prefecture code="13">
    <Station code="59336">
      <Type detail="local">bus</Type>
    <Prefecture code="13">
    <Station code="35724">
      <Type detail="local">bus</Type>
    <Prefecture code="13">
    <Station code="56203">
      <Type detail="local">bus</Type>
GET /v1/json/station/light?key=your_access_key_here&name=東京
  "ResultSet": {
    "apiVersion": "",
    "engineVersion": "201404_01a",
    "Point": [
        "Prefecture": {
          "code": "13",
          "Name": "東京都"
        "Station": {
          "code": "22828",
          "Name": "東京",
          "Yomi": "とうきょう",
          "Type": "train"
        "Prefecture": {
          "code": "13",
          "Name": "東京都"
        "Station": {
          "code": "59336",
          "Name": "東京オペラシティ/京王バス",
          "Yomi": "とうきょうおぺらしてぃ",
          "Type": {
            "text": "bus",
            "detail": "local"
        "Prefecture": {
          "code": "13",
          "Name": "東京都"
        "Station": {
          "code": "35724",
          "Name": "東京オペラシティ南/都営バス",
          "Yomi": "とうきょうおぺらしてぃみなみ",
          "Type": {
            "text": "bus",
            "detail": "local"
        "Prefecture": {
          "code": "13",
          "Name": "東京都"
        "Station": {
          "code": "56203",
          "Name": "東京オペラシティ南/小田急バス",
          "Yomi": "とうきょうおぺらしてぃみなみ",
          "Type": {
            "text": "bus",
            "detail": "local"