Location data generator


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Generate point data to be used for route search.

GET /v1/{format}/toolbox/course/point


Name Type Description
format string Specifying the response data format. Required.
Possible values:
- xml: xml format data
- json: json format data.
key string Your access key. Required.
name string Site name. Required
Example: My home
stationCode int station code. multiple specifications acceptable (maximum of 10). Exclude station
station string station code or station name or 出口コード. Exclude stationCode. multiple specifications acceptable (maximum of 10)
time int Time required. multiple specifications acceptable (maximum of 10). Required
Units: minutes
fare int Fare. multiple specifications acceptable (maximum of 10).
Units: yen
traffic string Means of movement. multiple specifications acceptable (maximum of 10). Omittable
Example: on foot
distance int Distance. multiple specifications acceptable (maximum of 10). Omittable
Units: 100m
teiki1 int 1 month period charge. multiple specifications acceptable (maximum of 10). Omittable
Units: yen
teiki3 int 3 month period charge. multiple specifications accept(maximum of 10). Omittable
Units: yen
teiki6 int 6 month period charge. multiple specifications acceptable(maximum of 10). Omittable
Units: yen

About designating multiple station codes, etc.

Apart from name, parameters are multiple assignable. At these times, the assignment order is meaningful, and one of a site's station's information is displayed in the same order group.

The following request example is a case of generating the site data that site A is 5 minutes on foot from Yoyogi station.

GET /v1/xml/toolbox/course/point?key=your_access_key_here&name=A&stationCode=23043&time=5&traffic=徒歩

The following request example is a case of generating site data with the additional information that the aforementioned site A is 10 minutes by taxi from Shinjuku station and costs 700 yen. Because there is no assignment for fees in the terms of the 1st turn, the value of the fare parameter is 700.

GET /v1/xml/toolbox/course/point?key=your_access_key_here&name=A&stationCode=23043:22741&time=5:10&fare=:700&traffic=徒歩:タクシー


Name Description
ResultSet Root element of response
ResultSet / apiVersion Web API version
ResultSet / engineVersion Engine version
ResultSet / Point Component representing site
ResultSet / Point / SerializeData Site data


GET /v1/xml/toolbox/course/point?key=your_access_key_here&name=ランドマーク名&stationCode=20001&time=5&fare=400&traffic=徒歩
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResultSet apiVersion="" engineVersion="201404_01a">
GET /v1/json/toolbox/course/point?key=your_access_key_here&name=ランドマーク名&stationCode=20001&time=5&fare=400&traffic=徒歩
  "ResultSet": {
    "apiVersion": "",
    "engineVersion": "201404_01a",
    "Point": {
      "SerializeData": "P-%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%83%9E%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF%E5%90%8D-20001-5-400-%E5%BE%92%E6%AD%A9--0----"