

This page has not been translated into English yet. It is possible that some parts of description may contains old information. Please see Japanese Documents if you need the latest and accurate information.

有料特急、有料急行、新幹線、寝台列車を対象として、運行区間一覧と時刻表を取得します。 利用方法は以下の手順となります。

  1. serviceSectionCodeパラメータを指定せずに運行区間一覧を取得
  2. その一覧の運行区間コードをserviceSectionCodeパラメータに指定して特急列車時刻表を取得
GET /v1/{format}/train/timetable


Name Type Description
format string レスポンスのデータ形式の指定。必須
- xml: xml形式のデータ
- json: json形式のデータ
key string アクセスキー。必須
stationName string 駅の名称。stationCodeと排他。省略可。省略時は指定なしとなります。
stationCode string 駅コード。stationNameと排他。省略可。省略時は指定なしとなります。
serviceSectionCode string 運行区間コード。stationName, stationCodeと排他。省略可。省略時は運行区間一覧となります。
number string 号数。serviceSectionCodeと同時に指定して号数で時刻表を絞り込みます。複数指定可。省略可。省略時は指定なしとなります。
date int 一覧取得日付。省略可。
Default: 現在日付


Name Description
ResultSet レスポンスの最下部を表す要素
ResultSet / apiVersion WebAPIバージョン
ResultSet / engineVersion エンジンバージョン
ResultSet / max データの全件数
ResultSet / Corporation 会社を表す要素
ResultSet / Corporation / index インデックス
※ jsonデータ形式のレスポンスにインデックスは含まれません。JSON形式のレスポンスデータを利用する際の注意事項
ResultSet / Corporation / Name 会社の名称を表す要素
ResultSet / Line 区間 を表す要素
ResultSet / Line / code 短期的な利用を前提とした列車コード
ResultSet / Line / corporationIndex ResultSet / Corporation / indexと紐づくインデックス
ResultSet / Line / trainID 列車を特定する短期ID
ResultSet / Line / DriveComment 運行に関するコメントを表す要素
ResultSet / Line / GuideComment 列車等に関するコメントを表す要素
ResultSet / Line / Name 名称を表す要素
ResultSet / Line / Name / line_part 列車愛称
ResultSet / Line / Name / type_part 種別名称(新幹線や特急など)
ResultSet / Line / Number 番号(号、便など)を表す要素
ResultSet / Line / ServiceSection 運行区間を表す要素
ResultSet / Line / ServiceSection / arrival 区間終点駅名
ResultSet / Line / ServiceSection / code 運行区間コード
ResultSet / Line / ServiceSection / departure 区間始発駅名
ResultSet / Line / Stop 停車を表す要素
ResultSet / Line / Stop / ArrivalState 到着時の状態を表す要素
ResultSet / Line / Stop / ArrivalState / Datetime 時刻を表す要素。
Format: hh:mm:ss+09:00
ResultSet / Line / Stop / ArrivalState / Datetime / operation 運行日判定
- today: 日時通り
- yesterday: 前日
ResultSet / Line / Stop / DepartureState 出発時の状態を表す要素
ResultSet / Line / Stop / DepartureState / Datetime 時刻を表す要素。
Format: hh:mm:ss+09:00
ResultSet / Line / Stop / DepartureState / Datetime / operation 運行日判定
- today: 日時通り
- yesterday: 前日
ResultSet / Line / Stop / Point 地点 を表す要素
ResultSet / Line / Stop / Point / getOff 降車可能フラグ
- true: 可能
- false: 不可能
ResultSet / Line / Stop / Point / getOn 乗車可能フラグ
- true: 可能
- false: 不可能
ResultSet / Line / Stop / Point / Prefecture 都道府県を表す要素
ResultSet / Line / Stop / Point / Prefecture / code 都道府県コード
ResultSet / Line / Stop / Point / Prefecture / Name 都道府県の名称を表す要素
ResultSet / Line / Stop / Point / Station を表す要素
ResultSet / Line / Stop / Point / Station / code 駅コード
ResultSet / Line / Stop / Point / Station / Name 駅の名称を表す要素



GET /v1/xml/train/timetable?key=アクセスキーを入力してください&stationCode=22828
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResultSet apiVersion="" engineVersion="201404_01a" max="24">
    <ServiceSection code="110:0" departure="東京" arrival="ガーラ湯沢">東京-ガーラ湯沢</ServiceSection>
    <ServiceSection code="110:1" departure="ガーラ湯沢" arrival="東京">ガーラ湯沢-東京</ServiceSection>
    <ServiceSection code="59:0" departure="東京" arrival="新潟">東京-新潟</ServiceSection>
    <ServiceSection code="59:1" departure="新潟" arrival="東京">新潟-東京</ServiceSection>
    <ServiceSection code="113:0" departure="長野" arrival="東京">長野-東京</ServiceSection>
    <ServiceSection code="113:1" departure="東京" arrival="長野">東京-長野</ServiceSection>
    <ServiceSection code="13:0" departure="銚子" arrival="東京">銚子-東京</ServiceSection>
    <ServiceSection code="13:1" departure="鹿島神宮" arrival="東京">鹿島神宮-東京</ServiceSection>
    <ServiceSection code="13:2" departure="東京" arrival="鹿島神宮">東京-鹿島神宮</ServiceSection>
    <ServiceSection code="13:3" departure="東京" arrival="銚子">東京-銚子</ServiceSection>
    <ServiceSection code="51:0" departure="東京" arrival="竜王">東京-竜王</ServiceSection>
    <ServiceSection code="51:1" departure="竜王" arrival="東京">竜王-東京</ServiceSection>
GET /v1/json/train/timetable?key=アクセスキーを入力してください&stationCode=22828
  "ResultSet": {
    "apiVersion": "",
    "engineVersion": "201404_01a",
    "max": "24",
    "Line": [
        "Name": "Maxたにがわ",
        "ServiceSection": [
            "text": "東京-ガーラ湯沢",
            "code": "110:0",
            "departure": "東京",
            "arrival": "ガーラ湯沢"
            "text": "ガーラ湯沢-東京",
            "code": "110:1",
            "departure": "ガーラ湯沢",
            "arrival": "東京"
        "Name": "Maxとき",
        "ServiceSection": [
            "text": "東京-新潟",
            "code": "59:0",
            "departure": "東京",
            "arrival": "新潟"
            "text": "新潟-東京",
            "code": "59:1",
            "departure": "新潟",
            "arrival": "東京"
        "Name": "あさま",
        "ServiceSection": [
            "text": "長野-東京",
            "code": "113:0",
            "departure": "長野",
            "arrival": "東京"
            "text": "東京-長野",
            "code": "113:1",
            "departure": "東京",
            "arrival": "長野"
        "Name": "あやめ",
        "ServiceSection": [
            "text": "銚子-東京",
            "code": "13:0",
            "departure": "銚子",
            "arrival": "東京"
            "text": "鹿島神宮-東京",
            "code": "13:1",
            "departure": "鹿島神宮",
            "arrival": "東京"
            "text": "東京-鹿島神宮",
            "code": "13:2",
            "departure": "東京",
            "arrival": "鹿島神宮"
            "text": "東京-銚子",
            "code": "13:3",
            "departure": "東京",
            "arrival": "銚子"
        "Name": "かいじ",
        "ServiceSection": [
            "text": "東京-竜王",
            "code": "51:0",
            "departure": "東京",
            "arrival": "竜王"
            "text": "竜王-東京",
            "code": "51:1",
            "departure": "竜王",
            "arrival": "東京"


GET /v1/xml/train/timetable?key=アクセスキーを入力してください&serviceSectionCode=59:1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResultSet apiVersion="" engineVersion="201404_01a" max="19">
  <Line corporationIndex="1" trainID="300C" code="51292">
    <Name type_part="新幹線" line_part="Maxとき">新幹線 Maxとき300号</Name>
      <Point getOn="True" getOff="False">
        <Prefecture code="15">
        <Station code="24033">
        <Datetime operation="today">06:05:00+09:00</Datetime>
      <Point getOn="True" getOff="True">
        <Prefecture code="15">
        <Station code="24016">
        <Datetime operation="today">06:17:00+09:00</Datetime>
        <Datetime operation="today">06:16:00+09:00</Datetime>
      <Point getOn="True" getOff="True">
        <Prefecture code="15">
        <Station code="24029">
        <Datetime operation="today">06:28:00+09:00</Datetime>
        <Datetime operation="today">06:27:00+09:00</Datetime>
      <Point getOn="True" getOff="True">
        <Prefecture code="10">
        <Station code="21913">
        <Datetime operation="today">07:13:00+09:00</Datetime>
        <Datetime operation="today">07:11:00+09:00</Datetime>
      <Point getOn="True" getOff="True">
        <Prefecture code="11">
        <Station code="22029">
        <Datetime operation="today">07:31:00+09:00</Datetime>
        <Datetime operation="today">07:30:00+09:00</Datetime>
  <Line corporationIndex="1" trainID="302C" code="51361">
    <Name type_part="新幹線" line_part="Maxとき">新幹線 Maxとき302号</Name>
      <Point getOn="True" getOff="False">
        <Prefecture code="15">
        <Station code="24033">
        <Datetime operation="today">06:29:00+09:00</Datetime>
      <Point getOn="True" getOff="True">
        <Prefecture code="15">
        <Station code="24016">
        <Datetime operation="today">06:42:00+09:00</Datetime>
        <Datetime operation="today">06:41:00+09:00</Datetime>
      <Point getOn="True" getOff="True">
        <Prefecture code="15">
        <Station code="24029">
        <Datetime operation="today">06:53:00+09:00</Datetime>
        <Datetime operation="today">06:52:00+09:00</Datetime>
      <Point getOn="True" getOff="True">
        <Prefecture code="15">
        <Station code="23913">
        <Datetime operation="today">07:07:00+09:00</Datetime>
        <Datetime operation="today">07:06:00+09:00</Datetime>
      <Point getOn="True" getOff="True">
        <Prefecture code="15">
        <Station code="23938">
        <Datetime operation="today">07:20:00+09:00</Datetime>
        <Datetime operation="today">07:19:00+09:00</Datetime>
  <Corporation index="1">
GET /v1/json/train/timetable?key=アクセスキーを入力してください&serviceSectionCode=59:1
  "ResultSet": {
    "apiVersion": "",
    "engineVersion": "201404_01a",
    "max": "19",
    "Line": [
        "corporationIndex": "1",
        "trainID": "300C",
        "code": "51292",
        "Name": {
          "text": "新幹線 Maxとき300号",
          "type_part": "新幹線",
          "line_part": "Maxとき"
        "Number": "300",
        "DriveComment": "平日運転・2014年3月15日から有効",
        "GuideComment": "全車禁煙。普通車全車自由席。オール2階建て8両編成で運転。",
        "Stop": [
            "Point": {
              "getOn": "True",
              "getOff": "False",
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "15",
                "Name": "新潟県"
              "Station": {
                "code": "24033",
                "Name": "新潟"
            "DepartureState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "06:05:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "Point": {
              "getOn": "True",
              "getOff": "True",
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "15",
                "Name": "新潟県"
              "Station": {
                "code": "24016",
                "Name": "燕三条"
            "DepartureState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "06:17:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "ArrivalState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "06:16:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "Point": {
              "getOn": "True",
              "getOff": "True",
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "15",
                "Name": "新潟県"
              "Station": {
                "code": "24029",
                "Name": "長岡"
            "DepartureState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "06:28:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "ArrivalState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "06:27:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "Point": {
              "getOn": "True",
              "getOff": "True",
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "10",
                "Name": "群馬県"
              "Station": {
                "code": "21913",
                "Name": "高崎"
            "DepartureState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "07:13:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "ArrivalState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "07:11:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "Point": {
              "getOn": "True",
              "getOff": "True",
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "11",
                "Name": "埼玉県"
              "Station": {
                "code": "22029",
                "Name": "熊谷"
            "DepartureState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "07:31:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "ArrivalState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "07:30:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
        "corporationIndex": "1",
        "trainID": "302C",
        "code": "51361",
        "Name": {
          "text": "新幹線 Maxとき302号",
          "type_part": "新幹線",
          "line_part": "Maxとき"
        "Number": "302",
        "DriveComment": "毎日運転・2014年3月15日から有効",
        "GuideComment": "全車禁煙。オール2階建て16両編成で運転。",
        "Stop": [
            "Point": {
              "getOn": "True",
              "getOff": "False",
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "15",
                "Name": "新潟県"
              "Station": {
                "code": "24033",
                "Name": "新潟"
            "DepartureState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "06:29:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "Point": {
              "getOn": "True",
              "getOff": "True",
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "15",
                "Name": "新潟県"
              "Station": {
                "code": "24016",
                "Name": "燕三条"
            "DepartureState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "06:42:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "ArrivalState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "06:41:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "Point": {
              "getOn": "True",
              "getOff": "True",
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "15",
                "Name": "新潟県"
              "Station": {
                "code": "24029",
                "Name": "長岡"
            "DepartureState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "06:53:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "ArrivalState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "06:52:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "Point": {
              "getOn": "True",
              "getOff": "True",
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "15",
                "Name": "新潟県"
              "Station": {
                "code": "23913",
                "Name": "浦佐"
            "DepartureState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "07:07:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "ArrivalState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "07:06:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "Point": {
              "getOn": "True",
              "getOff": "True",
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "15",
                "Name": "新潟県"
              "Station": {
                "code": "23938",
                "Name": "越後湯沢"
            "DepartureState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "07:20:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "ArrivalState": {
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "07:19:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
    "Corporation": {
      "Name": "JR"