Divide and calculate commuter pass charge


This page has not been fully translated into English yet. It is possible that some parts of description may contains old information. Please see Japanese Documents if you need the latest and accurate information.

Divide and calculate the regular fee for the route.

GET /v1/{format}/course/teiki/divided


Name Type Description
format string Specifying the response data format. Required.
Possible values:
- xml: xml format data
- json: json format data.
key string Your access key. Required.
serializeData string serialized route data. Required
checkEngineVersion string When performing complete reproduction of serialized route data, activate the identical check of the engine version of the serialized data at the point of creation and of reproduction. If the engine version differs, it will return an error. Optional.
Possible values:
- true: Check
- false: Do not check
Default: true


Name Description
ResultSet Root element of response
ResultSet / apiVersion Web API version
ResultSet / engineVersion Engine version
ResultSet / Ticket Elements displaying tickets
ResultSet / Ticket / type Classification
ResultSet / Ticket / Part Separate subelements
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Point Component representing site
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Point / index Index
* Index is not included in the response of json format data. index handling on json response
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Point / Prefecture Elements to display prefecture
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Point / Prefecture / code prefecture code
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Point / Prefecture / Name Element representing a prefecture name
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Point / Station Elements to display station
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Point / Station / code station code
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Point / Station / Name Elements to display station name
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Point / Station / Type Elements to display transport type
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Point / Station / Yomi Elements to display station
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Price Elements displaying money amount
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Price / kind Money amount classification
- Teiki1: 1-month period
- Teiki3: 3-month period
- Teiki6: 6-month period
- Teiki12: 12-month period
ResultSet / Ticket / Part / Price / Oneway Elements displaying one-way tickets


GET /v1/xml/course/teiki/divided?key=your_access_key_here&serializeData=SHlUczAxLjAwLjA0rAQAAAAAJFEzAQEAAQAAAAAACAABQAACAAADAAAAAAAAAAIA41UAANVYAACPWAAAAAAAAAoAEQAAAADBAAAAByRRMwH__________woAEQAAAADcAAAAASRRMwH__________wIAAQABAAEAAQABAAAAAAAAAA**--T3221233232319:F3321122120:A23121141:--4a0f8dc25969e0095938b81c1837c54a15bdab3c
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResultSet apiVersion="" engineVersion="201404_01a">
  <Ticket type="teiki1">
      <Point index="1">
        <Prefecture code="11">
        <Station code="21987">
      <Point index="2">
        <Prefecture code="13">
        <Station code="22530">
      <Price kind="Teiki1">
      <Point index="1">
        <Prefecture code="13">
        <Station code="22530">
      <Point index="2">
        <Prefecture code="13">
        <Station code="22671">
      <Price kind="Teiki1">
  <Ticket type="teiki3">
      <Point index="1">
        <Prefecture code="11">
        <Station code="21987">
      <Point index="2">
        <Prefecture code="13">
        <Station code="22530">
      <Price kind="Teiki3">
      <Point index="1">
        <Prefecture code="13">
        <Station code="22530">
      <Point index="2">
        <Prefecture code="13">
        <Station code="22671">
      <Price kind="Teiki3">
  <Ticket type="teiki6">
      <Point index="1">
        <Prefecture code="11">
        <Station code="21987">
      <Point index="2">
        <Prefecture code="13">
        <Station code="22530">
      <Price kind="Teiki6">
      <Point index="1">
        <Prefecture code="13">
        <Station code="22530">
      <Point index="2">
        <Prefecture code="13">
        <Station code="22671">
      <Price kind="Teiki6">
GET /v1/json/course/teiki/divided?key=your_access_key_here&serializeData=SHlUczAxLjAwLjA0rAQAAAAAJFEzAQEAAQAAAAAACAABQAACAAADAAAAAAAAAAIA41UAANVYAACPWAAAAAAAAAoAEQAAAADBAAAAByRRMwH__________woAEQAAAADcAAAAASRRMwH__________wIAAQABAAEAAQABAAAAAAAAAA**--T3221233232319:F3321122120:A23121141:--4a0f8dc25969e0095938b81c1837c54a15bdab3c
  "ResultSet": {
    "apiVersion": "",
    "engineVersion": "201404_01a",
    "Ticket": [
        "type": "teiki1",
        "Part": [
            "Point": [
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "11",
                  "Name": "埼玉県"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "21987",
                  "Name": "大宮(埼玉県)",
                  "Yomi": "おおみや",
                  "Type": "train"
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "13",
                  "Name": "東京都"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "22530",
                  "Name": "浮間舟渡",
                  "Yomi": "うきまふなど",
                  "Type": "train"
            "Price": {
              "kind": "Teiki1",
              "Oneway": "6300"
            "Point": [
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "13",
                  "Name": "東京都"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "22530",
                  "Name": "浮間舟渡",
                  "Yomi": "うきまふなど",
                  "Type": "train"
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "13",
                  "Name": "東京都"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "22671",
                  "Name": "高円寺",
                  "Yomi": "こうえんじ",
                  "Type": "train"
            "Price": {
              "kind": "Teiki1",
              "Oneway": "8820"
        "type": "teiki3",
        "Part": [
            "Point": [
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "11",
                  "Name": "埼玉県"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "21987",
                  "Name": "大宮(埼玉県)",
                  "Yomi": "おおみや",
                  "Type": "train"
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "13",
                  "Name": "東京都"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "22530",
                  "Name": "浮間舟渡",
                  "Yomi": "うきまふなど",
                  "Type": "train"
            "Price": {
              "kind": "Teiki3",
              "Oneway": "17950"
            "Point": [
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "13",
                  "Name": "東京都"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "22530",
                  "Name": "浮間舟渡",
                  "Yomi": "うきまふなど",
                  "Type": "train"
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "13",
                  "Name": "東京都"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "22671",
                  "Name": "高円寺",
                  "Yomi": "こうえんじ",
                  "Type": "train"
            "Price": {
              "kind": "Teiki3",
              "Oneway": "25140"
        "type": "teiki6",
        "Part": [
            "Point": [
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "11",
                  "Name": "埼玉県"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "21987",
                  "Name": "大宮(埼玉県)",
                  "Yomi": "おおみや",
                  "Type": "train"
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "13",
                  "Name": "東京都"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "22530",
                  "Name": "浮間舟渡",
                  "Yomi": "うきまふなど",
                  "Type": "train"
            "Price": {
              "kind": "Teiki6",
              "Oneway": "30240"
            "Point": [
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "13",
                  "Name": "東京都"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "22530",
                  "Name": "浮間舟渡",
                  "Yomi": "うきまふなど",
                  "Type": "train"
                "Prefecture": {
                  "code": "13",
                  "Name": "東京都"
                "Station": {
                  "code": "22671",
                  "Name": "高円寺",
                  "Yomi": "こうえんじ",
                  "Type": "train"
            "Price": {
              "kind": "Teiki6",
              "Oneway": "42340"