Route map station information


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Get station information on the route map.

GET /v1/{format}/railmap/detail


Name Type Description
format string Specifying the response data format. Required.
Possible values:
- xml: xml format data
- json: json format data.
key string Your access key. Required.
id string Road map ID. Required.
stationCode int station code. Only returns information for the selected station. Is mutually exclusive with stationName, x, y, width, height.
stationName string station name. Only returns information for the selected station. Is mutually exclusive with stationCode, x, y, width, height.
x int X coordinate of road map. It expresses the X coordinate on the road map from which to start to get information. Is mutually exclusive with stationCode, stationName. Optional. When width and height are not provided, a value of 0 will be assigned.
y int Y coordinate of road map. It expresses the Y coordinate on the road map from which to start to get information. Is mutually exclusive with stationCode, stationName. Optional. When width and height are not provided, a value of 0 will be assigned.
width int Horizontal length value. It expresses the width from starting point X on the horizontal axis. Acceptable values range from 1 to 500. Is mutually exclusive with stationCode, stationName. "height" is required.
height int Vertical length value. It expresses the width from starting point Y on the vertical axis. Acceptable values range from 1 to 500. Is mutually exclusive with stationCode, stationName. "width" is required.


Name Description
ResultSet Root element of response
ResultSet / apiVersion Web API version
ResultSet / engineVersion Engine version
ResultSet / RailMap Elements representing the road map
ResultSet / RailMap / height Road map vertical width
ResultSet / RailMap / id Road map ID
ResultSet / RailMap / index Index
* Index is not included in the response of json format data. index handling on json response
ResultSet / RailMap / width Road map horizontal width
ResultSet / RailMap / x Road map X coordinate
ResultSet / RailMap / y Y coordinate on road map
ResultSet / RailMap / Name Elements representing the name
ResultSet / RailMap / Point Elements representing the central station on the road map
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / GeoPoint Elements to display coordinates
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / GeoPoint / gcs Geodetic system
- Tokyo: Japanese geodetic system
- wgs 84: World geodetic system
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / GeoPoint / lati Latitude in degrees minutes seconds (DMS) format. The numbers of seconds are rounded to the third decimal place.
Format: degrees.minutes.seconds.hundredths of a second
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / GeoPoint / lati_d Latitude in decimal degrees (DD) format.
Format: decimal degrees
Example: 35.701667
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / GeoPoint / longi Longitude in degrees minutes seconds (DMS) format. The numbers of seconds are rounded to the third decimal place.
Format: degrees.minutes.seconds.hundredths of a second
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / GeoPoint / longi_d Longitude in decimal degrees (DD) format.
Format: decimal degrees
Example: 139.639527
ResultSet / RailMap / MarkCoordinates Elements representing the chosen coordinates on the road map
ResultSet / RailMap / MarkCoordinates / chamfering Chamfer range
ResultSet / RailMap / MarkCoordinates / height Vertical width
ResultSet / RailMap / MarkCoordinates / isText - true: shows the name part of the road map
- false: does not show it
ResultSet / RailMap / MarkCoordinates / r Radius
ResultSet / RailMap / MarkCoordinates / shape Shape of the coordinates
ResultSet / RailMap / MarkCoordinates / width Horizontal width
ResultSet / RailMap / MarkCoordinates / x X coordinate
ResultSet / RailMap / MarkCoordinates / y Y coordinate
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / Prefecture Elements to display prefecture
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / Prefecture / code prefecture code
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / Prefecture / Name Element representing a prefecture name
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / Station Elements to display station
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / Station / code station code
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / Station / Name Elements to display station name
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / Station / Type Elements to display transport type
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / Station / Type / detail transport type details. When multiple, : cutoff.
ResultSet / RailMap / Point / Station / Yomi Elements to display station


GET /v1/xml/railmap/detail?key=your_access_key_here&id=tokyo&x=3000&y=600&width=500&height=500
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResultSet apiVersion="" engineVersion="201110_02a">
  <RailMap id="tokyo" x="3000" y="600" width="500" height="500">
      <Prefecture code="8">
      <GeoPoint gcs="tokyo" lati_d="35.988971" longi_d="140.639638" lati="" longi=""/>
      <MarkCoordinates shape="rect" x="417" y="152" width="487" height="195" chamfering="false" isText="true"/>
      <MarkCoordinates shape="circle" x="409" y="162" r="4" chamfering="false" isText="false"/>
      <Station code="21612">
      <Prefecture code="8">
      <GeoPoint gcs="tokyo" lati_d="35.934166" longi_d="140.552943" lati="" longi=""/>
      <MarkCoordinates shape="rect" x="350" y="294" width="378" height="309" chamfering="false" isText="true"/>
      <MarkCoordinates shape="circle" x="340" y="300" r="6" chamfering="false" isText="false"/>
      <Station code="21588">
      <Prefecture code="12">
      <GeoPoint gcs="tokyo" lati_d="35.913721" longi_d="140.549083" lati="" longi=""/>
      <MarkCoordinates shape="rect" x="347" y="336" width="389" height="351" chamfering="false" isText="true"/>
      <MarkCoordinates shape="circle" x="340" y="341" r="4" chamfering="false" isText="false"/>
      <Station code="22335">
      <Prefecture code="8">
      <GeoPoint gcs="tokyo" lati_d="35.9675" longi_d="140.629444" lati="" longi=""/>
      <MarkCoordinates shape="rect" x="418" y="223" width="474" height="238" chamfering="false" isText="true"/>
      <MarkCoordinates shape="circle" x="410" y="229" r="6" chamfering="false" isText="false"/>
      <Station code="21613">
      <Prefecture code="12">
      <GeoPoint gcs="tokyo" lati_d="35.891805" longi_d="140.496944" lati="" longi=""/>
      <MarkCoordinates shape="rect" x="294" y="357" width="308" height="385" chamfering="false" isText="true"/>
      <MarkCoordinates shape="circle" x="302" y="393" r="6" chamfering="false" isText="false"/>
      <Station code="22312">
GET /v1/json/railmap/detail?key=your_access_key_here&id=tokyo&x=3000&y=600&width=500&height=500
  "ResultSet": {
    "apiVersion": "",
    "engineVersion": "201110_02a",
    "RailMap": {
      "id": "tokyo",
      "x": "3000",
      "y": "600",
      "width": "500",
      "height": "500",
      "Point": [
          "Prefecture": {
            "code": "8",
            "Name": "茨城県"
          "GeoPoint": {
            "gcs": "tokyo",
            "lati_d": "35.988971",
            "longi_d": "140.639638",
            "lati": "",
            "longi": ""
          "MarkCoordinates": [
              "shape": "rect",
              "x": "417",
              "y": "152",
              "width": "487",
              "height": "195",
              "chamfering": "false",
              "isText": "true"
              "shape": "circle",
              "x": "409",
              "y": "162",
              "r": "4",
              "chamfering": "false",
              "isText": "false"
          "Station": {
            "code": "21612",
            "Name": "鹿島サッカースタジアム",
            "Yomi": "かしまさっかーすたじあむ",
            "Type": "train"
          "Prefecture": {
            "code": "8",
            "Name": "茨城県"
          "GeoPoint": {
            "gcs": "tokyo",
            "lati_d": "35.934166",
            "longi_d": "140.552943",
            "lati": "",
            "longi": ""
          "MarkCoordinates": [
              "shape": "rect",
              "x": "350",
              "y": "294",
              "width": "378",
              "height": "309",
              "chamfering": "false",
              "isText": "true"
              "shape": "circle",
              "x": "340",
              "y": "300",
              "r": "6",
              "chamfering": "false",
              "isText": "false"
          "Station": {
            "code": "21588",
            "Name": "潮来",
            "Yomi": "いたこ",
            "Type": "train"
          "Prefecture": {
            "code": "12",
            "Name": "千葉県"
          "GeoPoint": {
            "gcs": "tokyo",
            "lati_d": "35.913721",
            "longi_d": "140.549083",
            "lati": "",
            "longi": ""
          "MarkCoordinates": [
              "shape": "rect",
              "x": "347",
              "y": "336",
              "width": "389",
              "height": "351",
              "chamfering": "false",
              "isText": "true"
              "shape": "circle",
              "x": "340",
              "y": "341",
              "r": "4",
              "chamfering": "false",
              "isText": "false"
          "Station": {
            "code": "22335",
            "Name": "十二橋",
            "Yomi": "じゅうにきょう",
            "Type": "train"
          "Prefecture": {
            "code": "8",
            "Name": "茨城県"
          "GeoPoint": {
            "gcs": "tokyo",
            "lati_d": "35.9675",
            "longi_d": "140.629444",
            "lati": "",
            "longi": ""
          "MarkCoordinates": [
              "shape": "rect",
              "x": "418",
              "y": "223",
              "width": "474",
              "height": "238",
              "chamfering": "false",
              "isText": "true"
              "shape": "circle",
              "x": "410",
              "y": "229",
              "r": "6",
              "chamfering": "false",
              "isText": "false"
          "Station": {
            "code": "21613",
            "Name": "鹿島神宮",
            "Yomi": "かしまじんぐう",
            "Type": "train"
          "Prefecture": {
            "code": "12",
            "Name": "千葉県"
          "GeoPoint": {
            "gcs": "tokyo",
            "lati_d": "35.891805",
            "longi_d": "140.496944",
            "lati": "",
            "longi": ""
          "MarkCoordinates": [
              "shape": "rect",
              "x": "294",
              "y": "357",
              "width": "308",
              "height": "385",
              "chamfering": "false",
              "isText": "true"
              "shape": "circle",
              "x": "302",
              "y": "393",
              "r": "6",
              "chamfering": "false",
              "isText": "false"
          "Station": {
            "code": "22312",
            "Name": "佐原",
            "Yomi": "さわら",
            "Type": "train"