Search condition generator
Returns a string representing conditions of route search which is specified at request parameters. When "detail" parameter is not specified, this API generates a condition string based on default conditions. When "detail" parameter is specified, search conditions specified at other request parameters will be applied to the corresponding "detail" conditions. This means that you can partially modify the previously-created conditions using "detail" parameter.
GET /v1/{format}/toolbox/course/condition
Name | Type | Description |
format | string | Specifying the response data format. Required. Possible values: - xml: xml format data - json: json format data. |
key | string | Your access key. Required. |
detail | string | String representing detailed search conditions. Optional. Default: T32212332323191:F33211221200001:A23121141: |
plane | string | Use of plane. Optional. Available Values: - light: Feel free to use. ※When specified search type is not "plain", the value of this parameter will be "normal". - normal: Use normally. - bit: Avoid to use as much as possible. ※When specified search type is not "plain", the value of this parameter will be "never". - never: Never use. Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
shinkansen | string | Use of Shinkansen(Bullet train). Optional. Available Values: - normal: Use - never: Never use Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
shinkansenNozomi | string | Use of Shinkansen Nozomi. Optional. Available Values: - normal: Use - never: Never use Defalt: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
sleeperTrain | string | Use of sleeper train. Optional. Available Values: - possible: Preferable. ※When specified search type is not "plain", it will show the same behavior as when speficying normal. - normal: Use normally. - never: Never use. Defalt: never (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
limitedExpress | string | Use of limited express. Optional. Available Values: - normal: Use - never: Never use Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
highwayBus | string | Use of highway bus. Optional. Available Values: - light: Feel free to use. ※When specified search type is not "plain", the value of this parameter will be "normal". - normal: Use normally. - bit: Avoid to use as much as possible. ※When specified search type is not "plain", it will show the same behavior as when specifying never. - never: Never use. Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
connectionBus | string | Use of connecting bus. Optional. Available values: - light: Feel free to use. ※When specified search type is not "plain", the value of this parameter will be "normal". - normal: Use normally. - bit: Avoid to use as much as possible. ※When specified search type is not "plain", it will show the same behavior as when specifying never. - never: Never use. Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, it is the value of the |
localBus | string | Use of local bus. Optional. Available Values: - normal: Use - never: Never use. Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
communityBus | string | 路線バスに対するコミュニティバスの扱いを指定します。localBusがneverの場合無効。省略可。 指定できる値: - contain:除外しない - except:除外する Default: contain |
midnightBus | string | Use of night express bus. Invalid when search type is "plain". Optional. Available Values: - normal: Use - never: Never use. Default: never (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
ship | string | Use of Ship. Optional. Available Values: - light: Feel free to use. ※When specified search type is not "plain", the value of this parameter will be "normal". - normal: Use normally. - bit: Avoid to use as much as possible. ※When specified search type is not "plain", it will show the same behavior as when specifying never. - never: Never use. Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
liner | string | Use of fee-charging local train. Invalid when search type is "plain". Optional. Available Values: - normal: Use - never: Never use. Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
walk | string | Walking from station to station. Only valid when search type is "plain". Optional. Available Values: - normal: Do not mind - little: Avoid - never: Never use. Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
useJR | string | Use of JR line. Only valid when search type is "plain". Optional. Available Values: - light: Feel free to use. - normal: Use normally. - bit: Avoid to use as much as possible. Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
transfer | string | Transfer of trains. Only valid when search type is "plain". Optional. Available Values: - normal: Do not mind - little: Avoid - never: Never. Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
waitAverageTime | string | Use of average wait time at the departure station. Only valid when search type is "plain". Optional. Available Values: - true: Use average wait time - false: No wait time Default: true (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
expressStartingStation | string | Use of starting station of express train. Only valid when search type is "plain". Optional. Available Values: - possible: Preferable - normal: Use normally. Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
localBusOnly | string | Search route which uses only local bus. Only valid when search type is "plain". Optional. Available Values: - true: Enable - false: Disable Default: false (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
transferTime | string | The time required to transfer train. When search type is plain, it is not valid. Optional. Available Values: - normal: standard time defined by Ekispert - moreMargin: Allow slightly more time than the standard - mostMargin: Allow more time than the standard - lessMargin: Reduce more time than the standard Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
fuzzyLine | string | Whether allowing ambiguous specification of average rail name. Only valid when search type is "plain". Optional. Available Values: - true: Search ambiguously - false: Search strictly Default: false (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
entryPathBehavior | string | Keep specification of via-stations when editing the route. Optional. Available Values: - true: Enable - false: Disable Default: false (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) Please check here for more details. |
surchargeKind | string | Specifying initial value of limited express price type. Optional. Available Values: - free: Non-reserved - reserved: Reserved - green: Green(first class) Default: free (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
teikiKind | string | Specifying initial value of commuter pass type. Optional. Available Value: - bussiness: Commute - highSchool: Student Discount (High School) - university: Student Discount Default: bussiness (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
JRSeasonalRate | string | Considering JR Seasonal Price. Optional. Available Values: - true: Consider busy season/off-season - false: Ignore Default: true (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) ※JRに限定した探索条件です。東武鉄道ではJRSeasonalRateの指定とは関係なく常に季節料金が考慮されます。 |
JRReservation | string | EX予約/スマートEXサービス。studentDiscountと同時指定は不可。経路探索で回数券が指定された場合は、回数券が優先されます。省略可 指定できる値: - none: 計算しない <EX予約> - exYoyaku: EX予約 - exETokkyu: EX予約(e特急券) - exHayatoku: EX予約(EX早特) - exHayatoku1: EX予約(EX早特1) - exHayatoku21: EX予約(EX早特21) - exHayatoku28: EX予約(EX早特28) - exGreenHayatoku: EX予約(EXグリーン早特) <スマートEX> - smartEx: スマートEX - smartExHayatoku: スマートEX(EX早特) - smartExHayatoku1: スマートEX(EX早特1) - smartExHayatoku21: スマートEX(EX早特21) - smartExHayatoku28: スマートEX(EX早特28) - smartExGreenHayatoku: スマートEX(EXグリーン早特) Default: none |
shinkansenETicket | string | 新幹線eチケットサービス。studentDiscountと同時指定は不可。経路探索で回数券が指定された場合は、回数券が優先されます。省略可 指定できる値: - none: 計算しない - eTicket: 新幹線eチケット Default: none |
studentDiscount | string | Considering student discount ticket. JRReservation、shinkansenETicketと同時指定は不可。 Optional. Available Values: - true: Do calculate - false: Do not calculate Default: false (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
ticketSystemType | string | Specifying Ticket calculation system. Optional. Available Values: - normal:Only calculate normal ticket - ic: Also calculate IC card ticket Default: normal (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
preferredTicketOrder | string | Specifying preferred order of ticket. Only valid when setting "ic" at "ticketSystemType" parameter. Optional. Available Values: - none: Do not specify - normal: Prioritize normal ticket - ic: Prioritize IC card - cheap: Prioritize cheap ticket Default: none (When "detail" parameter is specified, this value will be the same as value specified at "detail" parameter.) |
nikukanteiki | string | 「定期券の種類: 二区間定期券」の利用。省略可 指定できる値: - true:利用する - false:利用しない Default: false (detailパラメータ指定時はdetailの値) |
offpeakTeiki | string | オフピーク定期券として計算する。省略可。 指定できる値: - true:計算する - false:計算しない Default: false (detailパラメータ指定時はdetailの値) ※offpeakTeiki=trueを指定した場合、経路探索の結果に定期区間が「オフピーク定期区間かの状態判定」が追加され、オフピーク定期区間の場合は定期代がオフピーク定期券の金額となります。詳しくはオフピーク定期券の定期代を調べるをご確認ください。 |
This parameter may be used to keep specification of via-stations when editing routes. If you edit the route using route reproduction or cummuter pass / train assginment, e.g. allocating the next timetable, there is a possibility that redundant section including via-stations are deleted for the reason of route optimization. You can keep via-station at result route by using detailed search condition with "entryPathBehavior=true".
Name | Description |
ResultSet | Root element of response |
ResultSet / apiVersion | Web API version |
ResultSet / engineVersion | Engine version |
ResultSet / Condition | Element representing detailed search condition |
GET /v1/xml/toolbox/course/condition?key=your_access_key_here&plane=normal&walk=little
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResultSet apiVersion="" engineVersion="202303_01a">
GET /v1/json/toolbox/course/condition?key=your_access_key_here&plane=normal&walk=little
"ResultSet": {
"apiVersion": "",
"engineVersion": "202303_01a",
"Condition": "T32212332322191:F33211221200001:A23121141:"