Route search


This page has not been fully translated into English yet. It is possible that some parts of description may contains old information. Please see Japanese Documents if you need the latest and accurate information.

Returns routes between two stations or points created by point generator.
You can perform route search by average wait time or route search by operation diagram.

GET /v1/{format}/search/course/extreme


Name Type Description
format string Specifying the response data format. Required.
Possible values:
- xml: xml format data
- json: json format data.
key string Your access key. Required.
viaList string Specifying the list of station codes, station names, coordinate informations, 住所情報 or point data obtained by point generator. multiple specifications is possible.
You can specify up to about 20 values. Required.
Please see here for more details.
excludeSameLineStation string viaListに半径ありの座標情報または住所情報が指定された場合に、内部的に取得する周辺駅の複数候補の中に同一路線(乗り入れ路線が全て同じ)の駅を複数含めない。省略可。
- true: 同一路線の駅は1件のみとし、他は候補から除外する
- false: 同一路線かどうかを考慮しない
Default: false
fixedRailList string Specifying the list of fixed average rail names to limit result routes. Only effective when searchType is set to "plain". Optional.
When this paramter is not specified, the average rail will not be fixed.
Please check here for more details.
fixedRailDirectionList string Specifying the list of fixed average rail directions to limit result routes. Only effective when searchType is set to "plain" and fixedRailList has been specified. Optional.
When this paramter is not specified, the direction will be determined automatically.
date int Specifying date you want to search. Optional.
Default: current date
time int Specifying time you want to search. Not effective when searchType is set to "plain" Optional.
Format: HHMM
Default: current time
searchType string Specifying search type. Optional.
Default: departure
sort string Specifying sort criteria of result routes. Optional.
Possible values:
- ekispert: in order of "Ekispert" search results
- price: in order of Price
- time: in order of Time
- teiki: in order of commuter pass price
- transfer: in order of number of transfers
- co2: in order of amount of CO2 emitted
- teiki1: in order of Price of 1-month commuter pass
- teiki3: in order of Price of 3-month commuter pass
- teiki6: in order of the price of 6-month commuter pass
Default: ekispert
Please see here for more details.
answerCount int Specifying maximum number of routes returned from this API. Maximum 20. Optional.
Default: 5
searchCount int Specifying maximum number of route candidates that "Ekispert" searches. Maximum 20. Optional.
Default: The same value as the answerCount value.
conditionDetail string Specifying search condition string which is generated from the search condition generator. You can specify conditions such as whether using IC fare, what kinds of public transport you use (transport type), what kind of default price of the seat type of express charge to be returned, or transfer time. Optional.
Default: T32212332323191:F33211221200001:A23121141:
corporationBind string Specifying corporation name that you want to use. multiple specifications is possible. You can pass in a maximum of 50 values. Optional.
When this parameter is omitted, normal routes will be returned
interruptCorporationList string Specifying the list of corporations that you do not want to use. The lines associated with specified corporations will be avoided in searching route. You can pass in a maximum of 50 values. Optional.
When this paramter is omitted, normal routes will be returned. searchTypeがplainの場合は、路線バス(コミュニティバス含む)の指定は無効となります。
interruptRailList string Specifying the list of average rails that you do not want to use. Searches for routes other than the specified average rail. Only effective when searchType is "plain". Optional.
When this parameter is omitted, normal route will be returned. interruptOperationLineCodeListと排他。路線バス(コミュニティバス含む)の指定は無効となります。
interruptOperationLineCodeList string 不通運行路線コードリスト。指定した運行路線を利用しない経路を求めます。複数指定可。最大10件程度が目安です。省略可。省略時は制限のない通常の探索となります。interruptRailListと排他。
interruptTransferStationCodeList string 乗換しない駅リスト。乗り換えたくない駅の駅コードを指定します。複数指定可。最大30件。省略可。省略時は制限のない通常の探索となります。
resultDetail string Adds additional informations to the response. Optional.
When this parameter is omitted, normal routes will be returned.
Possible values:
- addCorporation: add corporation to the Line elements
addOperationLinePattern string Adds operation line pattern which is related with section of the route to the response.
Only effective when you perform route search by operation diagram. Optional.
Possible values:
- true: add to the response
- false: does not add to the response
Default: false
checkEngineVersion string 完全な定期経路の再現を行う場合は、定期経路シリアライズデータ作成時のエンジンバージョンと再現時のエンジンバージョンが同一かのチェックを有効にします。エンジンバージョンが異なる場合は、エラーを返します。省略可。
- true: チェックする
- false: チェックしない
Default: true
assignTeikiSerializeData string 定期経路シリアライズデータ。省略可。assignRoute, assignDetailRouteと排他。
※ 詳しくは定期情報の取得定期情報の更新及び定期券利用時の運賃計算をご確認ください。
assignRoute string Assigning commuter pass route string, e.g. Station Name:Average Line Name:Station Name.... Optional.
Incompatible with assignDetailRoute or assignTeikiSerializeData paramter.
Example: 高円寺:JR中央線快速:Up:新宿:JR山手線外回り:Down:池袋
assignDetailRoute string Assigning detailed commuter pass route string, e.g. Station Name:Average Line:Direction:Station Name.... Optional.
Incompatible with assignRoute or assignTeikiSerializeData parameter.
Example: 高円寺:JR中央線快速:新宿:JR山手線外回り:池袋
offpeakTeikiMode string オフピーク定期券利用時の計算モード。
assignRoute, assignDetailRoute, assignTeikiSerializeDataのいずれか指定時のみ指定可。
- offpeakTime: オフピーク時間帯の利用とみなして運賃計算する
- peakTime: ピーク時間帯の利用とみなして運賃計算する
※詳しくは定期券利用時の運賃計算 > 定期情報を「オフピーク定期券」として利用する場合および定期割り当てステータスコード > オフピーク定期券を利用する場合をご確認ください。
assignPassClassIndex int 定期券利用時の運賃計算を行う際に、利用する定期経路に定期券の種類が複数ある場合は、PassStatus(kind="nikukanteiki"またはkind="bycorporation")のindexの値を指定することで、定期券の種類を切り替えることができます。
assignRoute, assignDetailRoute, assignTeikiSerializeDataのいずれか指定時のみ有効。
※ 詳しくは、二区間定期券などの特殊な定期券利用時の運賃計算をご確認ください。
assignNikukanteikiIndex int assignPassClassIndexと同様。
※ 現在は、非推奨のパラメータとなります。これから開発を始める方は、assignPassClassIndexをご利用ください。
coupon string Assigning detail information of coupon ticket name. Optional.
bringAssignmentError string If this parameter is specified, error response will be returned when failure to assign the commuter pass or the coupon ticket.
Possible values:
- true: error will be returned when assignment is failed
- false: any errors will not be returned for assignment
Default: false
※ 現在、定期券利用時の運賃計算において、bringAssignmentErrorによるエラーハンドリングは非推奨としています。これから開発を始める方は、addAssignStatusをご利用ください。
addAssignStatus string 定期券などの利用時に、レスポンスに割り当てステータスを付加します。assignRoute, assignDetailRoute, assignTeikiSerializeDataのいずれか指定時のみ有効。省略可。
- true: 割り当てステータスを付加する
- false: 割り当てステータスを付加しない
Default: false
※ 現時点では回数券の利用時には未対応です。
※ 詳しくは定期券利用時の運賃計算 > note及び更新判定ステータスによる判定をご確認ください。
addChange string 結果に次の路線への乗り換えに便利な乗車位置情報を付加します。ダイヤによる探索時のみ有効。省略可。
- true: 付加します
- false: 付加しません
Default: false
addStop string Add list of stop stations to the sections in the Line elements. Only effective when you perform route search by operation diagram. Optional.
Possible values:
- true: add stop stations to the response.
- false: do not add stop stations to the response.
Default: false
gcs string If the request and response include coordinates, the geodetic system for the coordinates can be specified. coordinate information of the request parameters can be set separately from this parameter. Optional.
Possible values:
- tokyo: Tokyo Geodetic System
- wgs84: World Geodetic System
Default: tokyo


You can specify viaList by enumerating station codes, station names, coordinate informations, 住所情報 or point data. The specified order has meaning and is interpreted as follows.

For via stations, stations or coordinate informations can be specified.If coordinate information is specified for a via station, the nearest station from the input coordinates is used instead of input coordinates.

■ Example: When only stations are specified (Tokyo→Koenji→Osaka).


■ Example: When coordinate information is specified.,,tokyo,20:25853

■ Example: When point data is specified.



To fix the average rail, specify average rail name to the fixedRailList.This is possible only when specified search type is "plain".
The specified order has meaning: it becomes a value assigned to the line in viaList in the specified order. For this reason, the maximum number of values will be "(the number of values in viaList) - 1". Also, this is invalid for the section that includes specification of coordinate information.

■ Example: To obtain route Yokohama->Shinjuku->Ikebukuro with fixing line between Shinjuku and Ikebukuro to "JR Saikyo Line", first value of fixedRailList should be blank.



When this parameter is used with searchCount, the result reoutes are rearranged in the following order, depending on the setting.

Sort type Desctiption
ekispert In order of "Ekispert" search result.
When perform route search by average wait time:
- Search route that search condition is considered.
When perform route search by operation diagram:
- In the case that the departure date and time are set, ascending order of arrival date and time > descending order of departure date and time
- In the case that the arrival date and time are set, descending order of departure date and time > ascending order of arrival date and time
price passenger fare + charge in ascending order > ekispert order
time Travel time in ascending order > number of transfers in ascending order > passenger fare + charge in ascending order > ekispert order
teiki 1-month commuter pass charge in ascending order > 6-month commuter pass charge in ascending order > ekispert order
transfer Number of transfers in ascending order > ekispert order
co2 CO2 emissions by train in ascending order > CO2 emissions by private passenger cars > number of transfers in ascending order > ekispert order
teiki 1 1-month commutter pass charge in ascending order > 6-month commutter pass charge in ascending order > 3-month commutter pass charge in ascending order > ekispert
teiki 3 3-month commutter pass charge in ascending order > 6-month commutter pass charge in ascending order > 1-month commutter pass charge in ascending order > ekispert
teiki 6 6-month commutter pass charge in ascending order > 3-month commutter pass charge in ascending order > 1-month commutter pass charge in ascending order > ekispert

For "1-month commutter pass charge order", "3-month commutter pass charge order", "6-month commutter pass charge order", when a part of the route includes a section that 6-month commuter pass cannot be used, the amount of 6-month commuter pass charge of whole route will be calculated by doubling the fare for 3-month commuter pass. Also, when a part of the route has sections that three-month commuter pass is unavailable, the value of 3-month commuter pass charge of whole route will be three times as large as the value of 1-month commuter pass charge.


※指定順序には意味があり、各値はカンマ( , )区切りで指定します。運行路線コード以外は省略可能です。(駅コードを指定する場合、始端と終端はセットで必要となります。)
※コロン( : )区切りで複数指定も可能です。

指定できる値 Desctiption
運行路線コード 不通区間に設定する運行路線のコード
区間始端駅コード 不通区間に設定する始端の駅コード。終端設定時は必須。
区間終端駅コード 不通区間に設定する終端の駅コード。始端設定時は必須。
片方向または両方向を表す値 片方向を不通区間にするか、両方向を不通区間にするかを指定。
- Oneway: 片方向
- Both: 両方向

■例 運行路線のみの指定する場合(JR中央・総武線各駅停車を不通にする)


■例 運行路線と駅間の指定する場合(JR中央・総武線各駅停車の高円寺〜新宿の駅間を不通にする)


■例 運行路線と駅間と片方向または両方向の指定する場合(JR中央・総武線各駅停車の高円寺〜新宿の駅間の片方向を不通にする)



Name Description
ResultSet Root element of response
ResultSet / apiVersion Web API version
ResultSet / engineVersion Engine version
ResultSet / Course Element representing route which is the result of route search
ResultSet / Course / dataType Whether the search considered date and time.
- onTimetable: date and time are considered
- plain: route search by average wait time
ResultSet / Course / searchType search type
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus Element representing status of the commuter pass
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / index Index.
※ json data format response does not include index. index handling on json response
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / kind Type of statuses.
- vehicle: vehicle
- nikukanteiki: pass class
 ・「一般定期」or「2ルート定期」(例: 二区間定期券 / だぶるーと / Oneだぶる♪ / など)
- bycorporation: 定期券の種類 (定期券の種類以外の各事業者が定めた定期券)
 ・「一般定期」or「金額式計算のIC定期」(例: モットクパス / IC金額定期 / など)
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / selected Whether this commuter pass is selected.
- true: reflected in commuter pass charge
- false: not reflected in commuter pass charge
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / fromLineIndex /ResultSet/Course/Route/Line と紐づく定期の開始区間インデックス
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / toLineIndex /ResultSet/Course/Route/Line と紐づく定期の終了区間インデックス
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / teiki1Index Index of 1-month commuter pass that this element represents
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / teiki3Index Index of 3-month commuter pass that this element represents
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / teiki6Index Index of 6-month commuter pass that this element represents
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / teiki12Index Index of 12-month commuter pass that this element represents
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / Comment Element representing a comment string
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / Name Element representing the name
ResultSet / Course / PassStatus / Type Element representing the type
ResultSet / Course / Price Element representing the price
ResultSet / Course / Price / fareRevisionStatus 運賃改定への対応状況を表す要素。
- none: 掲示すべき内容が特にない状態
- salesTaxRateIsNotSupported: 運賃改定に未対応
※こちらは非推奨です。今後の開発では、 RevisionStatus および RevisionStatusComment の使用を推奨します。
ResultSet / Course / Price / fromLineIndex Starting section index
ResultSet / Course / Price / index Index.
※response in json data format does not include index. index handling on json response
ResultSet / Course / Price / kind Price types.
- Fare: fare
- Charge: charge
- Teiki1: 1-Month commuter pass charge
- Teiki3: 3-Month commuter pass charge
- Teiki6: 6-Month commuter pass charge
- Teiki12: 12-Month commuter pass charge
- Summary: total price of each price type
ResultSet / Course / Price / nikukanteikiIndex 定期券の種類(二区間定期券)を表すPassStatusと紐づくインデックス
※ 現在は、非推奨のパラメータとなります。これから開発を始める方は、passClassIndexをご利用ください。
ResultSet / Course / Price / offpeakTeiki 定期区間がオフピーク定期券の区間かどうか。
※ 詳しくはオフピーク定期券の定期代を調べるをご確認ください。
- true: オフピーク定期区間である
- false: オフピーク定期区間ではない
ResultSet / Course / Price / passClassIndex 定期券の種類を表すPassStatusと紐づくインデックス
ResultSet / Course / Price / relationIndex Relation index
ResultSet / Course / Price / selected Whether this price element is selected.
- true: included in calculation of total amount.
- false: Not included in calculation of total amount.
ResultSet / Course / Price / toLineIndex Ending section index
ResultSet / Course / Price / vehicleIndex 定期券で利用できる車両を表すPassStatusと紐づくインデックス
ResultSet / Course / Price / Name Element representing name
ResultSet / Course / Price / Oneway Element representing one-way route
ResultSet / Course / Price / Oneway / fullRemark Detailed additional information
ResultSet / Course / Price / Oneway / remark Additional information
ResultSet / Course / Price / Oneway / expectedFullRemark ユーザが指定した詳細な追加情報。
※ 詳しくはEX予約/スマートEXの「探索条件の指定とは別の割引が適用された場合」をご確認ください。
ResultSet / Course / Price / Oneway / expectedRemark ユーザが指定した追加情報。
※ 詳しくはEX予約/スマートEXの「探索条件の指定とは別の割引が適用された場合」をご確認ください。
ResultSet / Course / Price / Oneway / includedInCharge 運賃が料金に含まれるかどうか。trueのみを返します
- true: 運賃が料金に含まれます
※ 詳しくはEX予約/スマートEXまたは新幹線eチケットをご確認ください。
ResultSet / Course / Price / Rate Element for displaying busy and quiet periods. Effective when considering seasonal rates.
- Highest: Very crowded
- High: Crowded
- Low: Quiet
- Regular: Normal
ResultSet / Course / Price / Rate / area Distinguish crowded and quiet times.
- TobuIsesaki: Tobu Isesaki Line System
- TobuNikko: Tobu Nikko Line System
- Hokkaido: Only JR Hokkaido
- Main: JR Central, JR West, JR Shikoku and each JR corporation
- East: Mainly JR East
- Kyusyu: Only JR Kyushu
- None: Not set
ResultSet / Course / Price / RevisionStatus 運賃改定への対応状況を表す要素。
- previous: 運賃改定に未対応の金額
- forecast: 「駅すぱあと」が予測した運賃改定後の見込の金額
- latest: 最新の運賃改定に対応済みの金額
※ 詳しくは「運賃が運賃改定に対応しているかを判定する」をご確認ください。
ResultSet / Course / Price / RevisionStatusComment Element that explains ResultSet / Course / Price / RevisionStatus
ResultSet / Course / Price / Round Element representing round trip
ResultSet / Course / Price / Round / fullRemark Detailed additional information
ResultSet / Course / Price / Round / remark Additional information
ResultSet / Course / Price / Round / expectedFullRemark ユーザが指定した詳細な追加情報。
※ 詳しくはEX予約/スマートEXの「探索条件の指定とは別の割引が適用された場合」をご確認ください。
ResultSet / Course / Price / Round / expectedRemark ユーザが指定した追加情報。
※ 詳しくはEX予約/スマートEXの「探索条件の指定とは別の割引が適用された場合」をご確認ください。
ResultSet / Course / Price / Round / includedInCharge 運賃が料金に含まれるかどうか。trueのみを返します
- true: 運賃が料金に含まれます
※ 詳しくはEX予約/スマートEXまたは新幹線eチケットをご確認ください。
ResultSet / Course / Price / Type Element for displaying type
- Fare: Normal ticket
- FareICCard: IC card ticket
- Free: Unassigned seat
- FreeInCar: Unassigned seat purchased on board
- Reserved: Reserved seat
- SWorkPSeat: Reserved seat (S Work P Seat)
- Green: Green car ticket
- GreenInCar: Green car ticket purchased on board
- GreenSuica: Digital Green car ticket stored on the Suica
- Special: Limited express fee
- Bed: Sleeper train
- Car: Others except for sleeper train
- Stand: Standing room only
- GranClass: Grand class
- PremiumGreen: Premium Green
- Swallow: Swallow Akagi
- ASeatFree: A Seat (Unassigned seat)
- ASeatReserved: A Seat (Reserved seat)
- InCar: Assigned seat purched on board
- NoneReserved: Unreserved seat
- Teiki1: 1-Month commuter pass
- Teiki3: 3-Month commuter pass
- Teiki6: 6-Month commuter pass
- Teiki12: 12-Month commuter pass
- WithTeiki: Commuter pass used
- WithCoupon: Coupon used
ResultSet / Course / Relation Element representing relationship
ResultSet / Course / Relation / index Index.
※ index will not be included in json data format response. Please see index handling on json response for more details
ResultSet / Course / Relation / Name Element representing name
ResultSet / Course / Relation / PriceRelation Element representing information regarding money amount
ResultSet / Course / Relation / PriceRelation / index Index
※ index will not be included in json data format response. Please see index handling on json response for more details
ResultSet / Course / Relation / PriceRelation / kind 金額種別
ResultSet / Course / Route Element that represents only the route of the route search result
ResultSet / Course / Route / distance Route distance
unit: 100m
ResultSet / Course / Route / exhaust CO 2 Total carbon dioxide emissions of the route.
unit: g
ResultSet / Course / Route / exhaust CO2atPassengerCar Carbon dioxide emissions when assuming you used a car.
unit: g
ResultSet / Course / Route / index Index.
※ index will not be included in json data format response. Please see index handling on json response for more details
ResultSet / Course / Route / timeOnBoard Total boarding time of the route.
unit: minute
ResultSet / Course / Route / timeOther Other (route train waiting time, etc.) total time on the route.
unit: minute
ResultSet / Course / Route / timeWalk Total walk time of the route.
unit: minute
ResultSet / Course / Route / TransferCount Total number of transfers in the route
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line Element representing section
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / chargeIndex Charge index
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / direction The direction of average rail. Route's average rail as information that determines the average route in one, route search by average wait time it is appended only to the result of this
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / distance Distance of the section
unit: 100m
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / exhaust CO 2 Carbon dioxide emissions
unit: g
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / exhaust CO2atPassengerCar Carbon dioxide emissions when assuming that a railroad or airplane section is traversed with a personal car.
unit: g
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / fareIndex Fare index
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / index Index.
※ index will not be included in json data format response. Please see index handling on json response for more details
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / stopStationCount Number of station the train stops
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / teiki1Index 1-month commuter pass charge index
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / teiki3Index 3-month commuter pass charge index
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / teiki6Index 6-month commuter pass charge index
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / teiki12Index 12-month commuter pass charge index
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / timeOnBoard Total boarding time of the section.
※Walking time for walking distance
unit: minute
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / track track type
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / cars 列車の車両編成数
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState Element representing the state upon arrival
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / no Arrival track number, number, etc.
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / Datetime Element representing date and time
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / Datetime / operation Operation date determination.
- today: according to date and time
- yesterday: previous day
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / Gate 出口を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / Gate / GeoPoint 座標を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / Gate / GeoPoint / gcs 測地系
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / Gate / GeoPoint / lati Latitude in degrees minutes seconds (DMS) format. The numbers of seconds are rounded to the third decimal place.
Format: degrees.minutes.seconds.hundredths of a second
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / Gate / GeoPoint / lati_d Latitude in decimal degrees (DD) format.
Format: decimal degrees
Example: 35.701667
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / Gate / GeoPoint / longi Longitude in degrees minutes seconds (DMS) format. The numbers of seconds are rounded to the third decimal place.
Format: degrees.minutes.seconds.hundredths of a second
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / Gate / GeoPoint / longi_d Longitude in decimal degrees (DD) format.
Format: decimal degrees
Example: 139.639527
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / Gate / Name 出口の名称を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / ArrivalState / Type Element representing station state
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Change 乗車位置情報を表す要素
※ addChangeにtrue指定時、乗車位置の情報が存在する場合に付与
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Change / nextLineDirection 乗り換え後の路線の、行き先の方面。
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Change / openSide ドアの開閉方向。
- 右
- 左
- 両方
- 不定
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Change / Formation 車両編成を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Change / Formation / number 編成数。
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Change / Formation / Car 車両を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Change / Formation / Car / index インデックス。
※ 進行方向の前からn両目を表す車両の相対的な数え方になります。
※ jsonデータ形式のレスポ
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Change / Formation / Car / number 号車番号を表す文字列。
※ 進行方向によらない車両の絶対的な数え方になります。
※ 号車番号が存在する場合
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Change / Formation / Car / Means 乗り換え手段を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Change / Formation / Car / Means / Type 乗り換え手段種別
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Color Element representing time
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Comment Element representing comment string
- 路線バスのダイヤ対応状況の注意喚起コメント
- 特定日に運休する等ダイヤの注意喚起コメント
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Comment / type Comment type
- attention: attention
multiple comments with same type can be returned at once.
※ 種別は今後増える可能性があります。
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Corporation Element representing corporation.
※ grant appointed hour addCorporation to resultDetail
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Corporation / Name corporation factor representing name
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState Element representing the state at departure
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / no Departure track number, number, etc.
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / isStarting 区間のダイヤが当駅始発。
- True: 当駅始発
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / Datetime Element representing date and time
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / Datetime / operation Determination of the operation date.
- today: According to date and time
- yesterday: previous day
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / Gate 出口を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / Gate / GeoPoint 座標を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / Gate / GeoPoint / gcs 測地系
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / Gate / GeoPoint / lati Latitude in degrees minutes seconds (DMS) format. The numbers of seconds are rounded to the third decimal place.
Format: degrees.minutes.seconds.hundredths of a second
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / Gate / GeoPoint / lati_d Latitude in decimal degrees (DD) format.
Format: decimal degrees
Example: 35.701667
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / Gate / GeoPoint / longi Longitude in degrees minutes seconds (DMS) format. The numbers of seconds are rounded to the third decimal place.
Format: degrees.minutes.seconds.hundredths of a second
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / Gate / GeoPoint / longi_d Longitude in decimal degrees (DD) format.
Format: decimal degrees
Example: 139.639527
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / Gate / Name 出口の名称を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / DepartureState / Type Element representing station state
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Destination Element representing the destination of the train
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / LineSymbol 路線記号を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / LineSymbol / code 路線記号コード路線記号が表す路線と1対1で紐付く一意のコードです。
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / LineSymbol / Name 路線記号の名称を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Name Element representing the name of the route
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Number Element representing numbers (number, train, etc.)
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop Element representing stops
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / ArrivalState Element representing the state upon arrival
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / ArrivalState / Datetime Element representing date and time.
Format: hh:mm:ss+09:00
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / ArrivalState / Datetime / operation Operation date determination.
- today: according to date and time
- yesterday: previous day
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / DepartureState Element representing the state at departure
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / DepartureState / Datetime Element representing date and time.
Format: hh:mm:ss+09:00
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / DepartureState / Datetime / operation Determination of the operation date.
- today: According to date and time
- yesterday: previous day
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / index Index.
※response in json data format does not include index. index handling on json response
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / Point Element representing point
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / Point / getOff Disembarkation flag.
- true: possible
- false: not possible
* Can be added when railName is specified.
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / Point / getOn Embarkation possible flag.
- true: Possible
- false: Not possible
*Available when railName has been specified
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / Point / Prefecture Element representing prefecture
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / Point / Prefecture / code prefecture code
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / Point / Prefecture / Name Element representing a prefecture name
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / Point / Station Element representing station
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / Point / Station / code station code
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Stop / Point / Station / Name station name
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / TimeReliability Element representing the reliability of the departure time.
- none: no hour
- onTimetable: according to time table
- interval: operated on a regular basis
- outside: time schedule outside the valid period
- average: the average calculated time instead of the timetable
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Type Element representing transport type
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / Type / detail Detail of transport type or detailed line type
ResultSet / Course / Route / Line / TypicalName Element showing representative name
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point Element representing point
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / index Index.
※ json data format response does not include index. index handling on json response
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / Name coordinate information also factor showing point data.
※ Added when departure station, via-station, arrival station or coordinate information or 住所情報 is specified
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / GeoPoint Element representing coordinates
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / GeoPoint / gcs Geodetic reference system.
- tokyo: Japan geodetic reference system
- wgs84: world geodetic reference system
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / GeoPoint / lati Latitude in degrees minutes seconds (DMS) format. The numbers of seconds are rounded to the third decimal place.
Format: degrees.minutes.seconds.hundredths of a second
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / GeoPoint / lati_d Latitude in decimal degrees (DD) format.
Format: decimal degrees
Example: 35.701667
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / GeoPoint / longi Longitude in degrees minutes seconds (DMS) format. The numbers of seconds are rounded to the third decimal place.
Format: degrees.minutes.seconds.hundredths of a second
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / GeoPoint / longi_d Longitude in decimal degrees (DD) format.
Format: decimal degrees
Example: 139.639527
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / Prefecture Element representing prefecture
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / Prefecture / code prefecture code
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / Prefecture / Name Element representing a prefecture name
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / Station Element representing station
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / Station / code station code
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / Station / Name Element representing station name
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / Station / Type Element representing transport type
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / Station / Type / detail Detail of transport type . When there are multiple values, they are separated by :
ResultSet / Course / Route / Point / Station / Yomi Element representing station
ResultSet / Course / SerializeData serialized route data factor that displays it
ResultSet / Course / Teiki 定期を表す要素
※ 「駅すぱあと」において、定期として利用可能な経路の場合のみ付加されます。
ResultSet / Course / Teiki / SerializeData 定期経路シリアライズデータを表す要素
ResultSet / Course / Teiki / DisplayRoute 定期経路の表示用文字列を表す要素
※ 定期経路シリアライズデータが表す定期経路を構成する駅の名称運行路線名称が--区切りで交互に並ぶ文字列。
ResultSet / Course / Routeが表す経路を構成する駅と路線の並びとは同じにはなりません。
ResultSet / Course / Teiki / DetailRoute 定期経路文字列を表す要素
ResultSet / Course / AssignStatus 割り当てステータスを表す要素
ResultSet / Course / AssignStatus / kind 割り当て対象種別
- teiki: 定期
ResultSet / Course / AssignStatus / code 経路毎の割り当てステータスコード
- 0: 正常に定期経路が割り当てられた
- 1: 定期券を利用しても運賃が変わらない、または高くなってしまう
- 2: 定期区間を含む経路が存在しない
- 3: 割引乗車券が含まれる経路のため計算ができない
- 4: 定期経路を再現できない
- 99: 予期しない理由により定期経路が割り当てられない(値に99が返された場合は、 までフィードバックをお寄せください)
※ 詳しくは定期割り当てステータスコードをご確認ください。
ResultSet / Course / AssignStatus / requireUpdate 定期情報の更新判定ステータスコード
- 0: 更新の必要なし
- 1: 定期経路文字列に旧名称の駅名が指定されている
- 2: 定期経路文字列に指定された駅名が見つからない
- 3: 定期経路文字列に旧名称の路線名が指定されている
- 4: 定期経路文字列に指定された路線名が見つからない
- 5: 定期経路文字列の駅名もしくは路線名の廃止など
- 6: 定期経路シリアライズデータが不正
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern Element representing operation line associated to section of the route.
※ Added when addOperationLinePattern is true
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / routeLineIndex Index corresponding to ResultSet / Course / Route / Line /index
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Point Element representing point
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Point / index Index.
※ index will not be included in json data format response. Please see index handling on json response for more details
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Point / Station Element representing station
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Point / Station / code station code
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Point / Station / Name Element representing station name
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Point / Station / Type Element representing transport type
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Point / Station / Yomi Element representing station
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Point / Prefecture Element representing prefecture
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Point / Prefecture / code prefecture code
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Point / Prefecture / Name Element representing the name of the prefecture
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Line operation line factor that displays it
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Line / index Index.
※ index will not be included in json data format response. Please see index handling on json response for more details
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Line / code operation line code
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Line / direction Direction
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Line / fromStationPos Section departure station number
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Line / toStationPos Section arrival station number
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Line / track track type
ResultSet / Course / OperationLinePattern / Line / Name Element representing the operation line name


GET /v1/xml/search/course/extreme?key=your_access_key_here&viaList=22671:22741
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<ResultSet apiVersion="" engineVersion="202008_02a">
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GET /v1/json/search/course/extreme?key=your_access_key_here&viaList=22671:22741
  "ResultSet": {
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        "SerializeData": "VkV4QaECp57IAsMCpgE0PWIDpgE0PWEEkcIBQwAAAAKmATQ9YQPJAQECAQMBBAEHAQgBCgIPQv9_EKX_9wWUwQKlWI_BAqVY1cECpVkswQKlWBgGkcMBAQIBA8cBpZ09AhkDGwUDBkUxNzIySAcDCAIHkcUBpgE0PW0DpQRhBKUEaAUACAAIkcQEAQUBB6RtCAEJkcEDAQ|RxQGSAAECkcMBAAIAAwADkcMBAAIAAwAEkQAFkQA*--T3221233232319:F332112212000:A23121141:--52098cce56cde051c6bff956d2dd1e684b5a3f7e--0--0--0--182",
        "Price": [
            "fareRevisionStatus": "none",
            "toLineIndex": "1",
            "fromLineIndex": "1",
            "kind": "Fare",
            "index": "1",
            "selected": "true",
            "Type": "Fare",
            "Oneway": "160",
            "RevisionStatus": "latest",
            "Round": "320"
            "kind": "FareSummary",
            "Oneway": "160",
            "Round": "320"
            "kind": "Teiki1Summary",
            "Oneway": "4940"
            "fareRevisionStatus": "none",
            "toLineIndex": "1",
            "fromLineIndex": "1",
            "kind": "Teiki1",
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            "RevisionStatus": "latest"
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          "DisplayRoute": "高円寺--JR中央線快速--新宿"
        "Route": {
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            "cars": "10",
            "distance": "58",
            "trainID": "1722H",
            "teiki1Index": "1",
            "Name": "JR中央・青梅線快速・東京行",
            "Type": "train",
            "ArrivalState": {
              "no": "8",
              "Type": "normal",
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "2020-08-13T18:48:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
            "Destination": "東京",
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            "DepartureState": {
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              "Type": "normal",
              "Datetime": {
                "text": "2020-08-13T18:41:00+09:00",
                "operation": "today"
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                "Yomi": "こうえんじ"
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "13",
                "Name": "東京都"
              "GeoPoint": {
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                "Name": "新宿",
                "Type": "train",
                "Yomi": "しんじゅく"
              "Prefecture": {
                "code": "13",
                "Name": "東京都"
              "GeoPoint": {
                "longi": "",
                "lati": "",
                "longi_d": "139.703056",
                "gcs": "tokyo",
                "lati_d": "35.6875"
GET /v1/xml/search/course/extreme?key=your_access_key_here&viaList=P-ランドマーク名-G3930,22735-15,12--徒歩,徒歩--0----:22741
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResultSet apiVersion="" engineVersion="201806_02a">
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GET /v1/json/search/course/extreme?key=your_access_key_here&viaList=P-ランドマーク名-G3930,22735-15,12--徒歩,徒歩--0----:22741